Saturday, November 24, 2012

Express Yourself!

I suppose a small introduction is in order. I have loved to draw and paint dating back to my days in kindergarten. Amazed in wonder by pictures my dad would draw for me of diesel trucks and cars a boy like me would only glow in excitement over. This was only the beginning of my love for art. My resume consists of only knowledge obtained from wonderful art teachers and peers, that has lead to countless pieces created as a way to branch out my imagination.
I consider myself a rogue artist, only in the sense that my career thus far has been an isolated incident. Though this isn't a bad thing, I feel the disconnection from outside influence helps you learn yourself. In doing so has helped me learn who I am as an artist, my abilities and what I am capable of when stretched beyond my limits. In honing a skill set or fine tuning a craft it is always good to be trapped in a hole so to speak and, dig your way out of the corners of your imagination.
Don't get me wrong, there is endless knowledge to gather and being that we are constantly learning and striving to improve - is good to seek an outlet of some sort. Join a community or seek additional creative minds related to your craft. Experiencing ideas and different life experiences works wonders for the mind.
Art is therapeutic so use it. Paint your imagination and express yourself!
With that I will leave you with one of my latest pieces titled: "Solar Eclipse"
Until next time.
Solar Eclipse