Saturday, December 1, 2012

Blank Canvas

As I stare at this empty square, I contemplate how to transfer to canvas my thoughts, imagination or creative vision I happened to see in my cereal bowl the morning before.

What may come easy to some, may take more creativity or effort on the part of others but, can always come to fruition. We all have a creative insight and awareness but, share these with others in many forms or realization. Whether this expression be cooking, painting, sewing, sculpture or projects you would accomplish with your child.

What is creativity? I view it as a room in your mind, once opened is an endless space sparked by any wheels off fiber of imagination. This to seemingly provide balance to our inner storyteller and curiousity of the universe around us.

Essentially we all start as a blank canvas but, with every breath we draw a memory or paint an outlet of material in which we view the world. So grab a blank canvas and paint your next chapter!

With that I will share my latest piece titled "Changing Seasons".

Until next time.

Changing Seasons